Saturday, October 13, 2007

Digital Paintover

Hey, thanks for inviting me to be a part of this blog. I did a quick digital paint over to two of the gouache paintings to learn some things I couldn't quite get right the first time.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I like what you guys have been doing. I've been inspired to try plen'air paintings, developing my pastel techniques. I've never done that before. I know I'm just an art student at the academy of art in SF but man I'd love to paint with a bunch of people once a week (before school in my case)! I should tag along!

Hope to see more! :)

dicet said...

this is really interesting.
I do some color tweaking digitally on my work too when I scan my work to get it to the original look.

But I think it is a great idea to do a little quick studies on photoshop so you can learn from what you did and apply that to next.

I'm going to try that next!
