Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2nd \(^_^)/

This is from the first morning, we went out to the ferry port area in Alameda to paint the giant East bay cranes.
Being closer to the port work site, the scales of the cargo boats and cranes were surely amazing.
Watching the waiting line to the early ferry began to grow, cranes slowly started to move, and ships cruised by..
it all seemed to come alive with the sunrise! and painting this early sure was a great warm up for the day! *_*
and yes! Thanks to Mike setting up the blog !


dicet said...

what's wrong with you guys, getting up so early to paint??

I love this one!

Nick Sung said...

That's super nice, Jennifer!
Beautiful colours.

Anonymous said...

I love your choices in composition and lighting. beautiful.

J said...

Beautiful Jennifer. Really awesome!